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Sofia Sylphid

Sofia von Sylphide (ソフィア・シルフィード, Sofia Shirufīdo) is a main heroine in the Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time series.


She is a beautiful elven woman with long waist-length light-golden hair and leaf green colored eyes. She also has her species inherent long pointed ears, is tall with long limbs and is well-endowed. Fifty years previous to her meeting with Takumi she had been involved in a war in which she had her right arm amputated at the elbow, her left leg amputated at the knee joint, part of her left ear severed and had been scarred. After being bought by Takumi he healed her injuries removing her scars as well as her missing extremities.

(In the Manga/anime the amputations were changed to paralysis in the right hand, a demonic curse and semi nerve damage in her left ankle.)


In her earlier years she was prideful in her race as well as her own beauty and prestige. However after having been wounded and losing limbs, she was reduced to a shadow of her former self and started becoming humble, realizing that her old personality was quite toxic. This was more apparent after her body and looks were healed by a young man who bought her named Takumi.

She viewed her new master to be as rather young and naïve, but was also perplexed by his seemingly endless acts of kindness, often warring between logical reasoning and her growing feelings towards him. As a former military noble woman, she has an aura of a cool-headed woman who can manage many things expertly well.

She had a slight case of androphobia, viewing burly men as scary, possibly due to the beginning of her time as a slave, which is why she never viewed Takumi as a man during their first interaction. On regaining her former confidence, this phobia disappeared entirely. She begins to trust Takumi and is relieved he doesn't have any lustful urges during the beginning of their relationship. Upon finally realizing her feelings, she has an outburst where she proclaimed her love and showed her former jealousy, which caused her to be embarrassed when people still accept her bold declaration and treated her the same.


Fifty years previous to her meeting with Takumi she had been involved in a war between her homeland Yggurle Kingdom and the Triaria Kingdom that has being ongoing for 50+ years. In this war she was seriously wounded with her right arm being amputated at the elbow, her left leg amputated at the knee joint, part of her left ear severed and being scarred. She was taken captive as a war slave, until [Mulan's Grandfather] bought her took her in. Her injuries made her mostly unsellable to many but her looks alone made some want to buy her. [Mulan's Grandfather], however had a contract that forbid Sofia being sold as a sex slave and so she remained unsold for decades. That was until a young man named Takumi Iruma bought her from the Mulan Slave Company, alongside a fellow slave, Maria. At first Sofia was suspicious of this young man, thinking that he meant ill will towards her and Maria but quickly changed her mind after he healed her injuries. She was thankful towards him and vowed to be with him for the rest of his life.




Takumi Iruma[]

She first met Takumi at the Mulan Slave Company. She was enslaved after being on the losing side in a war. She was wounded having part of her left ear severed, also having her right arm amputated at the elbow and her left leg amputated at the knee joint. She had been kept at the Mulan Slave Company, under the care of it's owner, Mulan, due to nobody wanting a disabled slave. Eventually she met Takumi who was insistent about taking her into his servitude. She was hesitant at first but eventually had no choice but to give in. She was initially distrustful of him, but after he healed her, repairing her ear, right arm and left leg, she pledged her life to him. She later on becomes Takumi's wife.


  • Sofia bears a striking resemblance to Leafa from Sword Art Online.
    • She voiced by Ai Kayano, who voiced another Sword Art Online character, Alice Synthesis Thirty.
  • She was bought for 2 platinum.
  • In the web novel, Takumi and Sophia had their first night together the night after his body was restored. She justified it by saying, 'My time together with Takumi-sama is short and fleeting. With that being the case, I wish to spend that time devoting my mind and body to you.

